10 lines on Sant Tukaram in english

Today, we are sharing 10 lines on Sant Tukaram in English. This article can help students who are looking for information about 10 lines on Sant Tukaram. These lines are straightforward and easy to remember. The level of difficulty is moderate, making it accessible for any student to write on this topic.

This article is generally useful for class 1,class 2,class 3,class 4,class 5,class 6,class 7,class 8,class 9,class 10,class 11,class 12

10 lines on sant tukaram

1) Sant Tukaram was a 17th-century Hindu saint from Maharashtra, India.

2) He was a devotee of Lord Vitthal (Krishna) and is known for his devotional poetry, called abhangas.

3) He wrote over 3000 abhangas, which are full of love, devotion, and social commentary.

4) He stressed the importance of bhakti (devotion) and equality.

5) He also criticized the hypocrisy and superstition of the society.

6) He is considered one of the most important figures in the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra.

7) His teachings are still relevant today and continue to inspire people all over the world.

8) His abhangas are a treasure trove of wisdom and insights into the human condition.

9) They are a reminder that love, devotion, and equality are the true path to happiness and fulfillment.

10) His legacy will continue to inspire people for generations to come.

20 lines on sant tukaram

1) Sant Tukaram was born in 1608 in Dehu, Maharashtra, India.

2) He was a grocer by caste, but he is best known for his devotional poetry, called abhangas.

3) He wrote over 3000 abhangas, which are full of love, devotion, and social commentary.

4) He stressed the importance of bhakti (devotion) and equality.

5) He also criticized the hypocrisy and superstition of the society.

6) He is considered one of the most important figures in the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra.

7) His teachings are still relevant today and continue to inspire people all over the world.

8) His abhangas are a treasure trove of wisdom and insights into the human condition.

9) They are a reminder that love, devotion, and equality are the true path to happiness and fulfillment.

10) He is also known for his wari, a pilgrimage to Pandharpur, where he would sing and dance in praise of Lord Vitthal.

11) He was a great social reformer and fought against caste discrimination.

12) He believed that everyone is equal in the eyes of God.

13) He also emphasized the importance of education and social welfare.

14) He was a true saint and his teachings continue to inspire people all over the world.

15) His abhangas are sung in temples and homes all over Maharashtra.

16) They are also translated into other languages and are read by people all over the world.

17) Sant Tukaram is a true inspiration and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

18) He is a role model for all of us and his teachings can help us to live a better life.

19) He is a reminder that love, devotion, and equality are the true paths to happiness and fulfillment.

20) Let us all follow his teachings and make the world a better place.

5 lines on sant tukaram

1) Sant Tukaram, the 17th century saint,

2) From Maharashtra, a great devotee.

3) He wrote abhangas, full of love and devotion,

4) Stressing the importance of bhakti and equality.

5) His teachings are still relevant today, A reminder of the true path to happiness.


1. What was Sant Tukaram’s message?

Answer: Sant Tukaram’s message was simple: love God and love your fellow beings. He believed that everyone is equal in the eyes of God and that we should all strive to live in harmony with each other. He also stressed the importance of bhakti, or devotion to God, as the path to true happiness.

2. What was Sant Tukaram’s contribution to society?

Answer: Sant Tukaram was a great social reformer and fought against caste discrimination. He believed that everyone is equal in the eyes of God and that we should all be treated with respect, regardless of our social status. He also emphasized the importance of education and social welfare.

3. What is the significance of Sant Tukaram’s abhangas?

Answer: Sant Tukaram’s abhangas are a treasure trove of wisdom and insights into the human condition. They are full of love, devotion, and social commentary, and they continue to inspire people all over the world. They are also a vital part of the Marathi culture and heritage.

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